

A “special” line comment followed by the inspection ID to disable can be used to suppress false positives for specific places.

In the following snippet, a7 will no longer be highlighted by Usage of A7 register inspection:

* @@@suppress_inspection@@@ M68kUsageA7Register
   jmp (a7)

To insert these for given highlighting, use Alt+Enter quick fix menu:

  • Suppress for element adds suppression comment in preceding line
  • Suppress for file adds suppression comment to begin of the file (must occur before first instruction/directive)


Inspection settings and descriptions can be accessed under M68k assembler group in Settings | Editor | Inspections.

Unresolved label reference

Unresolved macro reference

Unused local label

Directives problems

Conditional assembly directives problems

Register list/range problems

Usage of A7 register

Simplifiable expression